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Observations placeholder

Megatherium, the dog, sounds the alarm he is dying



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

As quoted in Gabriel Delanne's - Materials for use in the study of REINCARNATION  also found in  the local journal For Psychical Research

Megatherium is the name of my little dog, who sleeps in my daughter's room.

Last night, I suddenly woke up when I heard him jumping into the room. I knew very well his very characteristic way of hopping. My husband soon woke up in turn. I asked him a question and said, "Can you hear?"

He says, "It's Meg."

We immediately lit a candle, we looked everywhere, but we found nothing in the room; yet the door was well closed.

Then the idea came to me that something bad had happened to Meg; I had a feeling that he was dying there and then; I looked at the watch to tell the time and I thought 'I have to go down and check it out right away. Only it seems so absurd to me and it's so cold!'

I remain undecided for a moment, and sleep returns to me. Very shortly after, someone comes knocking on the door.

It was my daughter who, with great anxiety, cries out, "Mother, mother, Meg is dying."

We rushed down the stairs and find Meg overturned on one side, his legs stretched out and rigid, as if he were dead. My husband lifts him off the ground and makes sure that the dog is still alive, but he does not immediately realize what happened.

We finally notice that Meg has wrapped himself - we do not know how - using the strap of his little garment around his neck, so that he was almost strangled.

We released it immediately so that the dog could breathe,  it did not take long for him to revive and recover.

From now on, if I ever have such precise feelings towards someone, I propose to run without delay. I swear I heard Meg's characteristic jerking around the bed, my husband can say the same.


The source of the experience

Delanne, Gabriel

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Overwhelming fear and terror


Being an animal
