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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Laubscher, B J F – One piece of this washing was an old white blouse of mine and blood was seeping on to it



Type of Spiritual Experience


A Room is symbolic of a part of memory, blood is spiritual input, white is purification – the bath is water also an indicator of purification.  This lady has not actually told the whole story. 

Laundry is often a sign of someone having had an affair, hence the expression ‘hanging out your dirty linen in public’, an affair which is over and which the person actually feels guilty about.  We think the dream had nothing to do with the event that followed, but she thought it was a premonition and appears to be trying to reconcile her conscience by attaching the two.

It is notable that those who have out of body experiences often 'see' from the corner of the ceiling.

A description of the experience

B J Laubscher – Where Mystery dwells

Mrs. W. of Rosebank, Johannesburg, wrote'-

"While in Lourenco Marques on business on February 22nd,I had a most realistic dream, albeit shocking. I was in a clean all-white room, with a very high ceiling and every-thing was smooth and rounded. I saw part of a large bath, with a drying rack suspended over it containing white laundry. One piece of this washing was an old white blouse of mine and blood was seeping on to it fresh and red. I looked up and saw that the blood was pulsating out of a corner of the ceiling. I woke trying desperately to get into the ceiling. I was perturbed about this dream as we had to fly home Friday the 24th but did not mention it to my chief."

Her trip was uneventful however and she described her dream to a friend. But on Sunday, February 26th at 6.30 p.m. she received a frantic call.

"My son aged nineteen years and a friend had been climbing on the rock face at Hartebeestpoort dam hoping to save time in getting to the "cosmos" side to look at a boat for sale. The rock gave way and he crashed twenty-five to thirty feet into the spillway basin on concrete rocks. His injuries were terrible. I saw him at about 8.15 p.m.-the blood was still pulsating through the padded bandage on his knee."

Her son recovered except for a stiff ankle.

The source of the experience

Laubscher, Dr B J F

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Dreaming and lucid dreaming

