Observations placeholder
Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 042 Section 3
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
ABD AL-KARIM AL-JILI: Tawid, Transcendence and Immanence – Dr Nicholas Lo Polito [University of Birmingham] - The Cave and the Inscription
(27) These tents have appeared on the ropes.
Dismount here if you are among their friends.
Stop among these features.
At it, ages have stopped in their heydays.
Hind is no other than she who dwelled unwillingly.
With willow trees and bushes beside.
Untie your mount in the dwellings,
For indeed this is a blessed home for those who live in it.
How excellent are
the homes that were honoured
By their dwellers and were honoured by the soil.
You cannot differentiate between its chambers.
Obscure, locked behind their doors.
Those who live in this neighbourhood are their people;
those who deserted them are not from their lineage.