Observations placeholder
Pinchbeck, Daniel - Getting rid of a DPT demon
Type of Spiritual Experience
Pinchbeck had very severe difficulties after taking DPT in getting rid of the ‘demon’ - the spirit being - he had invoked and eventually agrees to undergo a form of ‘exorcism’, we can see from the description that it is ritualistic in nature, but it clearly invoked software processes in Pinchbeck that ‘fought off’ the ‘demon’ invoked
A description of the experience
Daniel Pinchbeck – Breaking Open the head
[he] told me to imagine a Buddha hovering over me, shooting pure white light through my body turning me into blinding white light, flushing everything negative or bad into my central channel where it would go into my intestine and ultimately be expelled. At the end of the meditation, Michael told me to imagine this Buddha coming down to me as I merged with the white light.
I followed his instructions and it seemed to help. I felt selfless, emptied out, and even empathic towards my entity visitor. Soon I fell asleep.
By the next morning, the world had returned to normal. There was no more buzzing, no more tricks… suffice it to say that after DPT, I strongly suspect an ordinary death is not the worst thing that can happen to a human being. There may be far worse fates
The source of the experience
Pinchbeck, DanielConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Enacting ritual and ceremonyLove with visualisation