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Observations placeholder

Gentling the Bull – 06 Returning home on the back of the Bull



Type of Spiritual Experience


There is a reference here to Nursery rhymes, which is rather intriguing.

A description of the experience

Gentling the Bull – 06 Returning home on the back of the Bull

Now the struggle is over! Gain and loss, too, have fallen away. The herdsman sings an old folk song or plays a nursery tune on his flute. Looking up into the blue sky, he rides along on the back of the bull. If someone calls after him, he does not look back; nor will he stop if tugged on the sleeve.

Without haste or hurry, the herdsman rides home on the back of the bull.
Far through the evening mist carries the sound of his flute,
Note for note, tune for tune, all carry this boundless mood;
Hearing it, no need to ask how the herdsman feels.
Pointing ahead towards the dyke where his home is,
He appears out of mist and fog, playing his flute.
Then suddenly the tune changes to the song of return.
Not even Bai-ya's masterpieces can compare with this song.
In bamboo hat and straw coat he rides home through the evening mist,
Sitting back to front on the bull, with joy in his heart.
Step by step along in the cool, gentle breeze,
The bull no longer looks at the once irresistible grass.

The source of the experience

Gentling the Bull

Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


