Observations placeholder
Fairy hill with treasure
Type of Spiritual Experience
The rationale for why I have said the source is Robert Kirk is provided in the description for him.
Sith is Scottish for fairy. The English or Scottish is as it is in the account only the 's' has been changed to be an 's', in the original it looks like an 'f'. I have not used capital letters either - the entire text had each noun in capitals
A description of the experience
The Secret Commonwealth - Robert Kirk 1691
In the next country to that of my former residence, about the year 1676, when there was some scarcity of graine, a marvelllous Illapse [sic] and Vision strongly struck the imagination of two women in one night, living at a good distance from one another, about a treasure hid in a hill called SITHBHRUAICH or Fayrie hill.
The appearance of a treasure was first represented to the fancy and then an audible voyce named the place where it was to their awaking senses. Whereupon both arose and meitting accidentallie at the place, discovered their designe; and jointly digging, found a vessell as large as a scottish peck, full of small pieces of good money of ancient coyn; which halving betwixt them they sold in dishfulls for dishfulls of meal to the country people.
Very many of undoubted credit saw and had of the coyn to this day. But whither it was a good or bad angell, one of the subterranean people [fairies] , or the ressless soul of him who hid it that discovered it, and to what end it was done I leave it to the examination of others
The source of the experience
Kirk, the Reverend RobertConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Going out in violent weatherHypothermia
Loneliness and isolation
Nutritional deprivation
Visiting telluric hot spots
Inherited genesLiving in a stone built house