Observations placeholder
Extreme hallucination from Invokana
Type of Spiritual Experience
Inter composer communication
Canagliflozin (INN, trade name Invokana or Sulisent) is a drug of the gliflozin class or subtype 2 sodium-glucose transport (SGLT-2) inhibitors used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes
A description of the experience
Extreme hallucination. Agitated hears people from another continent and people totally unrelated as talking to him. When questioned as to how he hears these messages he says it is telepathic. Urinary incontinence has increased considerably. Most disturbing is that this quiet dignified person has started rambling-talking unnecessarily with sexual innuendos. Please help. we think it is the Invokana-any advice will be appreciated.
Question created 11 months 1 week ago