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Ernesto Bozzano, Professor - The parapsychological manifestations of animals – 36 Terrified by the ghost of a small white dog, of the Pomeranian breed, which appeared to her at the bedside
Type of Spiritual Experience
NOTES on this case by Professor Ernesto Bozzano
this could not be a psychometric perception of past events, because the circumstance of the small dog looking in front of the person who was about to jump on the bed, and who followed the footsteps of the participants, by going out with them, as well as the other circumstance of the tactile impressions felt on their bodies, indicate an action in the present and not an automatic reproduction of actions that took place in the past, as it should only occur in the case of psychometric perceptions.
For the same reason, the hypothesis of a telepathic projection by a deceased person should be excluded, since a projection of this nature would cause the hallucinatory perception of an animal ghost that is plastically inert or that moves automatically, but never of an animal ghost that is aware of its environment.
Finally, the hallucinatory hypothesis, understood according to the pathological meaning of this term, cannot be supported, since four other people had repeatedly experienced tactile impressions corresponding to the child's visual perceptions. This clearly shows that at the origin of the facts there had to be a single agent, which had to be intelligent and not related to the percipients.
A description of the experience
Professor Ernesto Bozzano - The parapsychological manifestations of animals - 130 cases proving animal mediumistic abilities
Case 92. - (Visual, with collective impressions.) - Mrs. J. Toye Warner Staples sends to the Light, 1921, p. 553 this story about a case that is personal to her:
I am afraid that my contribution to the investigation into the survival of the animal "psyche" will not be sufficient to overcome the tests required by the "Society for P.R.". However, the fact that I am about to present to you is scrupulously authentic and trustworthy, whatever the explanation.
My childhood was spent in the western part of Ireland and from the age of four to six I lived in a very old and large house on the banks of the Shannon. My family, being English, did not pay attention to the stories of the locals who said that our house was haunted. But that is where I had the first experience of what can be called the ghost of an animal.
In the evening hours, during the summer, in broad daylight, sometimes for several consecutive days, sometimes with an interval of several months, I was terrified by the very clear and natural apparition of a small white dog, of the Pomeranian breed, which appeared to me at the bedside.
It looked at me with its mouth open and its tongue out, as if it was panting and behaving as if it saw me and preparing to jump on my bed. So I was frightened terribly, having the intuition that it was not a real dog - because, in this case, I would have welcomed it with great pleasure, because I have always loved all kinds of animals very much -.
Sometimes, when the animal appeared near the window, I would see the bedroom furniture through its white body, and I would start screaming, calling my mother and saying. "Take it away! Make it leave!" As soon as Mom entered the room, it followed her. When she was went out, it would go out with her. Then I was picked up and moved downstairs, and with caresses I was made to forget the fear I had felt.
The most curious thing is that while I was the only one to see this canine ghost, four other people felt it.
In the bright light of summer mornings, two members of my family - both women - and a lady and a gentleman who had lived in the house before us, often perceived something, made up of a solid body, the size and weight of a small dog, which seemed to jump on their beds, on the feet, and then slowly pass over their bodies, thus reaching the shoulders and going down to the floor on the other side.
On these occasions, the percipients felt paralyzed and were not able to move; but immediately afterwards, they jumped out of bed and examined the room thoroughly, without discovering anything...
For reasons that are easy to understand, I refrain from publishing the address of the house; but I will entrust Professor Horace Leaf, if this story is possibly to interest him.