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Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Homilia on the Prologue to the John Gospel – Time
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Homilia on the Prologue to the John Gospel
The substance of those things, which are made by Him, began in Him before all the ages of the world, not in time but with time. Time, indeed, is made with all things that are made.... It is co-created with them.
All things, therefore, that were made by the Word, live in Him unchangeably and are life. In him all things exist neither by temporal intervals or places, nor as what is to come; but all are one in Him, above all times and places, and subsist in him eternally.... Even what seems to us to be without all vitality [e.g., stones, gases, stars] lives in the Word.... “For in Him,” as Sacred Scripture says, “We live, move and have our being.” Truly, as the great pseudo-Dionysius the Aeropagite says, “The being of all things is their superessential divinity.”
The source of the experience
Eriugena, Johannes ScotusConcepts, symbols and science items
PerceptionsPerceptions - accessing perceptions
Perceptions - what happens to perceptions
Perceptions - what has perceptions