Observations placeholder
Cayce, Edgar - Has a run in with doctors
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Edgar Cayce – Joseph Millard
There was to be a meeting that fall with a large number of local and out-of-town doctors attending. Blackburn suggested, "why not come along with me and give the crowd a demonstration? The more doctors you can get believing in you, the easier it will be to get them to follow your readings on patients”
Edgar agreed, with no premonition of what lay ahead. He lay down on a couch in front of the crowd and gave a demonstration reading on a patient under treatment by one of the physicians. He correctly diagnosed the case, described the patient and his surroundings, detailed the treatments being given, and ended by stating the precise temperature and pulse rate at the time.
A committee was hastily sent off to check the facts. In a short time, they returned to verify everything Edgar had said, down to the finest detail.
Pandemonium broke out in the hail. Doctors who had never seen Edgar before crowded up for a closer look, arguing noisily over whether he was in a trance, a hypnotic state, or some kind of strange seizure. They elbowed the protesting Blackburn aside and began to pinch and poke at Edgar, lifting his eyelids to peer into his eyes and prying open his mouth.
"He can't feel a thing," one said. "Completely anaesthetized, and I'll prove it."
Before Blackburn could elbow his way back, his angry protests unheeded, they had jabbed Edgar with pins, rammed a hatpin completely through his cheek, and pried under one fingernail with a knife blade. There was neither nervous reaction nor blood.
In a fury Blackburn forced his colleagues back and gave Edgar the command to awaken. Edgar sat up and cried out in pain.
Blood began to pour out of his wounds.
"It's nothing serious, my boy," one of the doctors said pompously. "We were merely making a few simple tests."