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Dairy products and the immune system
Type of Spiritual Experience
Dairy products help the immune system. If you have a pathogen in your body, dairy products will help the immune system to fight that pathogen by releasing histamine.
If you have a very high immunological response to dairy products - asthma or allergic reactions it may mean that you have a particularly virulent pathogen in your body and the body is now reacting to attempt to expel it. It may appear to be over reacting, but of course it depends on the pathogen...
A description of the experience
Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 1992;97(2):115-20. A naturally occurring opioid peptide from cow's milk, beta-casomorphine-7, is a direct histamine releaser in man. Kurek M1, Przybilla B, Hermann K, Ring J. Department of Dermatology, Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Munich.
beta-Casomorphine-7, a naturally occurring product of cow's milk with opiate-like activity, was studied for possible direct histamine liberation activities in humans.
It was found to cause concentration-dependent in vitro histamine release from peripheral leukocytes of healthy adult volunteers.
Intradermal injection of beta-casomorphine-7 induced a wheal and flare reaction in the skin similar to histamine or codeine. Oral pretreatment with the H1 antagonist terfenadine significantly inhibited the skin responses to beta-casomorphine-7. The intradermal injection of an opiate receptor antagonist, naloxone, inhibited in vitro histamine release and skin reactions only in a 100-fold excess over beta-casomorphine-7.
These findings suggest that beta-casomorphine-7 can be regarded as a noncytotoxic, direct histamine releaser in humans. The clinical relevance of these findings deserves further studies.
PMID: 1374738
The source of the experience
PubMedConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
HistamineActivities and commonsteps
Asthma and allergySuppressions
Dairy products