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Observations placeholder

Culpepper's Complete Herbal on Herb Robert



Type of Spiritual Experience


Written in the 17th century so to be taken with a pinch of salt, but Culpepper did do his homework and as such there may be things here worth further study

A description of the experience


Description. It rises up with a reddish stalk two feet high, having divers leaves thereon, upon very long and reddish foot-stalks, divided at the ends into three or five divisions, each of them cut in on the edges, which sometimes turn reddish. At the tops of the stalks come forth divers flowers made of five leaves, much larger than the Dove's-foot, and of a more reddish colour; after which come black heads, as in others. The root is small and thready, and smells, as the whole plant, very strong, almost stinking.

Place. This grows frequently every where by the way-sides, upon ditch banks and waste grounds wheresoever one goes.

Time. It flowers in June and July chiefly, and the seed is ripe shortly after.

Government and virtues. It is under the dominion of Venus. Herb Robert is commended not only against the stone, but to stay blood, where or howsoever flowing; it speedily heals all green wounds, and is effectual in old ulcers in the privy parts, or elsewhere. You may persuade yourself this is true, and also conceive a good reason for it, do but consider it is an herb of Venus, for all it hath a man's name

The source of the experience


Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

