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Observations placeholder

Bodenham, Anne – 01 Asked to prophesy what would be the outcome of a Law Suit



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

An Antidote Against Atheism by Henry More - Book III: Chapter VII

…. there was one Anne Styles, servant to Rich. Goddard Esq; of the close in new Sarum, sent by Mr. Mason this Goddard's Son in Law (he having a design to commence a Law Suit against his Father), to learn of the Witch what would be the event of the Suit.

Who being asked by the Maid, who had three shillings to give her for her pains, she took her staff, and there drew it about the house, making a kinde of a Circle; and then took a book, and carrying it over the Circle with her hands, and taking a green glass, did lay it upon the book, and placed in the Circle an earthen Pan of Coals, wherein she threw something, which burning caused a very noisome stink, and told the Maid, she should not be afraid of what she should then see, for now they would come: (they are the words she used).

And so calling Belzebub, Tormentor, Satan and Lucifer appear [sic]; there suddenly arose a very high wind, which made the house shake, and presently the back-door of the house flying open, there came five Spirits, as the Maid supposed, in the likenesse of ragged Boyes some bigger then others, and ran about the house, where she had drawn the staff; and the Witch threw down upon the ground crums of breads which the Spirits picked up, and leapt over the Pan of coals oftentimes, which she set in the midst of the Circle, and a Dog and a Cat of the Witches danced with them.

And after some time the Witch looked again in her book, and threw some great white seeds upon the ground, which the said Spirits picked up; and so in short time the wind was laid, and the Witch going forth at her back-door the Spirits vanished. After which the Witch told the Maid, that Mr. Mason should demand fifteen hundred pound, and one hundred and fifty pound per annum, of Mr. Goddard, and if he denied it she should prosecute the Law against him, and be gone from his Father, and then he should gain it: with which message the Maid returned and acquainted Mr. Mason.

The source of the experience

Bodenham, Anne

Concepts, symbols and science items


Magic circle

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Enacting ritual and ceremony

