Observations placeholder
Blithe spirit - The green valley, the lion and the sadhus
Type of Spiritual Experience
I did not understand the symbolism of this until months and months later, still not sure I've understood, even now!
A description of the experience
The next was a truly weird dream. I was watching and was shown a valley in the shape of a half bowl, so it was as if I was at the bottom of the bowl looking up at the circular sides of the valley.
The entire valley was grassed in a lovely shade of green halfway between emerald green and lime green, vivid and luminescent but not startling, just restful.
There were single pines and little clumps of pines dotted about the landscape, not many but nothing else, no hedges fences or any other vegetation.
No flowers either.
A stream bisected the valley and led down to what I suppose could be described as a series of water holes. None of them were particularly large all of them circular, none very deep, but with clear blue water in each. About the size of a circular bath.
In each of them was a Hindu sadhu in a white loin cloth – very dark brown semi naked bodies, each of them with their own water hole. Some were bathing, some just standing, but between them all there roamed a black lion, a massive thing, beautiful and sleek with long shiny almost pitch black fur.
The fur was long with a slight curl or wave to it – so not really like a lion's coat at all. It was a male lion with a massive mane and it was a truly wonderful animal and none of the sadhu's took any notice of it.
That was it, end of dream because I woke up as if this was the end of the dream.
The source of the experience
Blithe spiritConcepts, symbols and science items
Spirit helperSymbols
Chalice or cupDarkness and Light
Pine tree
Rivers and streams