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Observations placeholder

Dixon, Jeane - Prophesies Gandhi's assassination



Type of Spiritual Experience


I think this is genuine prophecy and it is near enough to the actual event for it to be feasible that something was brewing even then, six months is not a long time in prophecy


A description of the experience

Ruth Montgomery – A Gift of Prophecy

On a humid midsummer evening in 1947 a management consultant named Daniel Magner dropped in at the Dixons' to talk over with his friend Jimmy his forthcoming trip to the Far East. The drone of an electric fan provided a sleepy accompaniment as he described his itinerary in minute detail.

Jeane, seated across the room, was following his account with somnolent detachment, but just as he mentioned New Delhi a vision appeared before her, and she blurted: "Mahatma Gandhi will be assassinated."

The two men turned to stare at her. "What are you saying, Jeane?" Magner asked.

"It's true," she replied, her voice tinged with excitement, "Just as you spoke of India I saw a vision of the Prime Minister, and he was lifting up his arms to a religion that is too ProWestern for some of his people to tolerate. ….He'll be killed within six months by someone they least suspect."

Within six months, on January 3, 1948, the great spiritual leader of India met an untimely death. His assassin was a Hindu fanatic who belonged to the Mahasabba politico-religious group.

The source of the experience

Dixon, Jeane

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

