Category: Illness or disabilities
Introduction and description
Toxoplasma gondii is a parasite that causes the disease toxoplasmosis.
Found worldwide, T. gondii is capable of infecting virtually all warm-blooded animals.
In humans, it is one of the most common parasites; serological studies estimate up to a third of the global population has been exposed to and may be chronically infected with T. gondii, although infection rates differ significantly from country to country. Although mild, flu-like symptoms occasionally occur during the first few weeks following exposure, infection with T. gondii generally produces no symptoms in healthy human adults, in unhealthy adults and children it can cause death. Generally, however, you will not know you have it.
This parasite is not being implicated in vitually every disease on this site as one possible cause of the many causes there can be. There are links with Multiple sclerosis, autism, cataracts, blindness, heart problems, liver disease, pancreatitis and even cancer. As such it is a deadly little critter.
We have a more detail about this parasite under the heading Being with cats, because cats are probably the major source of this parasite in the developed countries.
Otherwise, each illness, within the 'cause' section makes mention of whether papers exist on the parasite and the illness.
Related observations
Healing observations
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- Stephen Harrod Buhner - Herbal Antivirals - Ginger 017501
- The Healing Power of Sleep 026790
- Aczone and Dapsone 017947
- Cats and manic depression 006122
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- Charles Bonnet syndrome: characteristics of its visual hallucinations and differential diagnosis 019940
- Dapsone 018844
- Daraprim 018846
- Mepron 019512
- Sulfadiazine 020054
- Toxoplasma gondii infection in psychiatric inpatients in a northern Mexican city 012729