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Observations placeholder

Yram - Rain



Type of Spiritual Experience


Yram became obsessed with trying to get more and more out of body experiences – attempting to pass through stone walls, to visit friends, to roam freely in space simply for the sake of enjoying the extraordinary state. However he found that it was a ‘game of which one soon wearies.' Many of his descriptions are of experiences on 'higher planes' in which he met with other beings or powerful forces. Here he is getting a ticking off for misusing his abilities for pleasure and being shown the need for purification.

A description of the experience

Practical Astral projection – Yram

The phenomenon of rain is a fairly frequent obstacle. As soon as I am out of my body I sometimes find myself under a dark and menacing sky. If I go forward it starts raining. Then my strength seems to ebb away, and I find it necessary to return to earth.

On some occasions this space seems to be lit by magnificent sunlight. A gentle warmth fills the atmosphere. Flooded with happiness by this vivifying magnetism I have plunged joyfully into its depths when, without warning, the sky darkens and it begins to rain. The impression on the consciousness is analogous. Annoyed at first, then anxious, one's impression becomes definitely bad. The astral body seems to dissolve under the influence of this darkening picture, and it becomes necessary to return to earth in order to gather a new stock of energy.

The source of the experience


Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Exposure to LF industrial magnetic fields



