Observations placeholder
The effects of oral administration of (-)-menthol on nasal resistance to airflow and nasal sensation of airflow in subjects suffering from nasal congestion associated with the common cold
Type of Spiritual Experience
Pelargonium graveolens (L.) L'HER ex AIT. -- Rose Geranium, Scented Geranium
A description of the experience
Plants Containing MENTHOL
Ordered by quantity
Species |
Part |
Quantity |
Helianthus annuus L. -- Girasol, Sunflower |
Flower Essent. Oil |
310,000 ppm |
Mentha arvensis var. piperascens MALINV. EX L. H. BAILEY -- Cornmint, Field Mint, Japanese Mint |
Leaf |
25,650 ppm |
Zea mays L. -- Corn |
Leaf |
28,000 ppm |
Mentha x piperita subsp. nothosubsp. piperita -- Peppermint |
Leaf |
6,750 ppm |
Mentha pulegium L. -- European Pennyroyal |
Plant |
3,780 ppm |
Mentha aquatica L. -- Water Mint |
Leaf |
3,570 ppm |
Pycnanthemum virginianum (L.) DURAND & JACKSON -- Virginia Mountain Mint |
Shoot |
3,016 ppm |
Pelargonium graveolens (L.) L'HER ex AIT. -- Rose Geranium, Scented Geranium |
Plant |
1,852 ppm |
Micromeria fruticosa -- Tasnanesi |
Leaf |
0-3,030 ppm |
Pycnanthemum incanum (L.) MICHX. -- Hoary Mountain Mint |
Shoot |
798 ppm |
Pycnanthemum pilosum NUTT. -- Pilose Mountain Mint |
Flower |
700 ppm |
Leaf |
700 ppm |
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium SCHRAD. -- Slenderleaf Mountain Mint |
Shoot |
620 ppm |
Satureja parvifolia (PHIL.) EPL. -- Small-Leaf Pampa Savory |
Shoot |
0-1,010 ppm |
Artemisia dracunculus L. -- Tarragon |
Shoot |
500 ppm |
Mentha longifolia (L.) HUDS. -- Biblical Mint |
Shoot |
300 ppm |
Pycnanthemum muticum (MICHX.) PERS. -- Muticous Mountain Mint |
Shoot |
450 ppm |
Mentha spicata L. -- Hortela da Folha Miuda, Spearmint |
Leaf |
375 ppm |
Satureja grandiflora (L.) SCHEELE -- French Savory |
Shoot |
0-420 ppm |
Mentha spicata L. -- Hortela da Folha Miuda, Spearmint |
Leaf |
200 ppm |
Sideritis scardica GRISEB. -- Balkan Sideritis |
Shoot |
0-370 ppm |
Pycnanthemum clinopodioides TORR. & GRAY -- Clinopod Mountain Mint |
Shoot |
176 ppm |
Calamintha nepeta (L.) SAVI -- Calamint |
Plant |
0-290 ppm |
Pycnanthemum beadlei (SMALL) FERNALD -- Beadle's Mountain Mint |
Shoot |
140 ppm |
Minthostachys mollis (KUNTH.) GRISEB -- Muna, Tipo |
Shoot |
120-215 ppm |
Mentha x rotundifolia (L.) HUDSON -- Applemint |
Leaf |
80 ppm |
Micromeria fruticosa subsp. barbata (BOISS. & KY.) P.H. DAVIS -- Tea Hyssop, Zopha, Zuta |
Shoot |
0-105 ppm |
Ocimum basilicum L. -- Basil, Cuban Basil, Sweet Basil |
Plant |
32 ppm |
Pycnanthemum montanum MICHX. -- Montane Mountain Mint |
Shoot |
32 ppm |
Hedeoma pulegioides (L.) PERS. -- American Pennyroyal |
Plant |
30 ppm |
Micromeria thymifolia |
Leaf |
0-45 ppm |
Juniperus communis L. -- Common Juniper, Juniper |
Fruit |
22 ppm |
Hedeoma drummondii BENTH. -- Drummond's Pennyroyal |
Plant |
10 ppm |
Acinos suaveolens (SIBT. & SMITH) G. DON F. |
Shoot |
0-3 ppm |
Mentha aquatica L. -- Water Mint |
Shoot |
0-3 ppm |
J Pharm Pharmacol. 1990 Sep;42(9):652-4.
The effects of oral administration of (-)-menthol on nasal resistance to airflow and nasal sensation of airflow in subjects suffering from nasal congestion associated with the common cold.
Eccles R1, Jawad MS, Morris S.
- 1Department of Physiology, University of Wales, Cardiff, UK.
The effects of oral administration of a lozenge containing 11 mg (-)-menthol on nasal resistance to airflow (NAR) and nasal sensation of airflow in 62 subjects suffering from nasal congestion associated with naturally acquired common cold infection have been studied. NAR was measured by posterior rhinomanometry and nasal sensation of airflow by means of a visual analogue scale (VAS). The effects of the lozenge were compared with a candy placebo lozenge in a double blind randomized trial. NAR showed a significant increase (P less than 0.05) in both the menthol and placebo groups over the 2 h experiment with no difference between the groups at any time. The VAS scores showed significant changes of subjective improvement in nasal sensation of airflow (P less than 0.001) in the menthol-treated group 10 min after dosing whereas the placebo group showed no change. It is concluded that dosing with 11 mg menthol in subjects with common cold has no effect on NAR as measured by posterior rhinomanometry but causes a marked change in nasal sensation of airflow with a subjective sensation of nasal decongestion.
PMID: 1981905
The source of the experience
PubMedConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Asthma and allergyCommon cold
Juniper berries