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Saadi - The Gulistan of Sa‘di – 03 from the Panegyric of the Padsham of Islam
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Saadi - The Gulistan of Sa‘di – 03 from the Panegyric of the Padsham of Islam
May God, whose name be exalted and hallowed, keep in security and peace the pure country of Shiraz until the time of the resurrection, under the authority of righteous governors and by the exertions of practical scholars.
Do you not know why I in foreign countries
Roamed about for a long time?
I went away from the distress of the Turks because I saw
The world entangled like the hair of negroes;
They were all human beings, but
Like wolves sharp-clawed, for shedding blood.
When I returned I saw the country at rest,
The tigers having abandoned the nature of tigers.
Within a man of good disposition like an angel,
Without an army like bellicose lions.
Thus it happened that first I beheld
The world full of confusion, anxiety and distress;
Then it became as it is in the days of the just Sultan
Atabek Abu Bekr Ben Sa’d Zanki.
The country of Pares dreads not the vicissitudes of time,
As long as one presides over it like you, the shadow of God.
Today no one can point out on the surface of the earth,
A place like the threshold of your door, the asylum of comfort.
On you is incumbent the protection of the distressed and gratitude
Upon us and reward on God the creator of the world,
As long as the world and wind endure