Observations placeholder
Richet, Charles - L’Homme et l'Intelligence (Man and Intelligence) - Perception
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
L’Homme et l'Intelligence (Man and Intelligence), - Ch. Richet .
Also quoted in Gabriel Delanne - Materials for use in the study of Reincarnation
While active memory is deeply disturbed, passive memory is rather exalted. Sleepwalkers represent themselves with an incredible amount of detail and precision, the places they have seen in the past, the facts they have witnessed. During their sleep they describe very precisely such a city, such a house, that they once visited or interviewed; but when they woke up, they could hardly say that they had been there before, and X..., who sang the tune of the 2nd act of the African woman during her sleep, could not retrieve one note from it while she was awake.