Observations placeholder
Parkinsonism with multiple cysts in the bilateral striata
Type of Spiritual Experience
An organophosphate (sometimes abbreviated OP) or phosphate ester is the general name for esters of phosphoric acid.
Organophosphates are the basis of many insecticides, herbicides, and nerve agents. The United States Environmental Protection Agency lists organophosphates as very highly acutely toxic to bees, wildlife, and humans.
Recent studies suggest a possible link to adverse effects in the neurobehavioral development of fetuses and children, even at very low levels of exposure.
Organophosphates are widely used as solvents, plasticizers, and EP additives.
This man may have been a glue sniffer.
A description of the experience
Psychogeriatrics. 2011 Sep;11(3):166-70. doi: 10.1111/j.1479-8301.2011.00362.x. Epub 2011 Jun 15.
Parkinsonism with multiple cysts in the bilateral striata.
Norimoto K1, Kiuchi K, Morikawa M, Inoue Y, Kosaka J, Inoue M, Kishimoto T.
- 1Emergency Department, Yodogawa Christian Hospital, Osaka, Japan. a109151@ych.or.jp
The present paper reports on a 68-year-old man with a 10-year history of parkinsonism who developed hallucinations and delusions after admission to an intensive care unit for the treatment of organophosphate intoxication. His initial diagnosis was delirium. On the basis of brain computed tomography findings and clinical symptoms, we diagnosed drug-induced psychosis in parkinsonism with multiple cysts in the bilateral striata.
© 2011 The Authors. Psychogeriatrics © 2011 Japanese Psychogeriatric Society.
PMID: 21951957