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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

So close so close so close we are



Type of Spiritual Experience


In many of the other descriptions within the general category of extreme emotion, the emotion generating the experience is negative.  But it is also possible to provoke a spiritual experience via intense and overwhelming happiness and euphoria.

Memory often seems to be a weak substitute for the actual moment itself, thus any form of spiritual experience is more likely to come at the time the happiness was felt – at the time the event that caused all this happiness occurred.

In the example here it was the happiness felt from being deeply and overwhelmingly in love.

A description of the experience

So close, so close, so close we are

So close, so close, so close we are,
Together, such a sense of being one
Intimacy unknown before I met you
Intimacy not contemplated till you had me won

So close, so close, so close we are,
Such luscious moments of such passion burning
Endless moments of  such voluptuous pleasure
Such longing, craving, pining, desiring, yearning

 So close, so close, so close we are,
No inhibitions, sense of shame or fear
At peace, at home, at one with you love
My only darling, sweetheart, held so dear

So close, so close, so close we are,
The only one who can in me quite capture
Who I am and love me just the same
And through his words and actions send me into rapture

 So close, so close, so close we are,
The first time in my life I felt this way
To love another so totally and completely
To feel this close to you each night and day

So close, so close, so close we are,
So close, so close this close stay mine
To feel this close to you alone forever
To feel this close until the end of time

The source of the experience

Jelling, Lily

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Making love

