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Intelligences - ULTIMATE INTELLIGENCE Mircea Eliade on Anu
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Mircea Eliade – Patterns in Comparative religion
Of Sumerian origin, Anu became the chief god of the Babylonians. But, like the other sky gods, he ceased in time to play a part of major importance. Anu is a somewhat abstract god, at least in historical times. His cult is not widespread; in religious texts he is rarely invoked, and he does not figure among the lists of divine names. He is not a creator god, like Marduk.
No statues of Anu have been found – which would seem to confirm that he has never actively affected Babylonian religious life or worship within historical times.
Anu dwells of course, in the sky. His palace, standing at the high peak of the vault, was not touched by the waters of the flood. There as with Olympus in Greek mythology, the gods visit him