Observations placeholder
Michelangelo - Sonnet XXI - To others merciful and only to itself unkind
Type of Spiritual Experience

A description of the experience
Michelangelo – Sonnets [translated by Elizabeth Jennings]
Sonnet XXI
To others merciful and only to
Itself unkind, this lowly creature who
Sloughs off its skin in pain that it may give
Pleasure to others, dies that they may live.
So do I long for such a destiny -
That from my death, my Lord, you might alone
Take life; then by my death I too might be
Changed like the worm which casts its skin on stone.
For if that skin were mine I could at least
Be woven in a gown to clasp that breast,
And so embrace the beauty which I crave.
Then would I gladly die. Or could I save
My Lord's feet from the rain by being shoes
Upon his feet - this also would I choose.
The source of the experience
MichelangeloConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Believing in the spiritual worldLove with visualisation
Squash the big I am