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Linklater, Richard - On time and reality
Type of Spiritual Experience
Richard Stuart Linklater (born July 30, 1960) is an American film director and screenwriter. He is known for the coming of age comedy Dazed and Confused (1993), the romantic drama film starring a young Ethan Hawke, Before Sunrise (1995), the rotoscope animated drama film Waking Life (2001), the music-themed comedy School of Rock (2003), the sequels to Before Sunrise, Before Sunset (2004) and Before Midnight (2013), the rotoscope animated science fiction thriller A Scanner Darkly (2006), and the coming-of-age drama Boyhood (2014). Many of his films are noted for their loosely structured narrative; two of his projects – The Before... films and Boyhood – feature the same actors filmed over an extended period of years.
And he uses and incorporates the notion of lucid dreaming
Waking Life (2001), for example, is 'an intriguing philosophical jaunt into the world of dreaming' and asks the question: "Are we sleep-walking through our waking state or wake-walking through our dreams?" The animation technique used in Waking Life requires animators to trace over live-action film movement, frame by frame, giving a curious dream-like appearance; real but not real. Rotoscoping was again used in Linklater's movie, A Scanner Darkly (2006). This movie also pressures its protagonists to make a decision about the reality they are experiencing and to "wake up" and see their world for what it really is.