Observations placeholder
Laubscher, B J F - A huge black dog appeared amongst them – but it was just a shared hallucination
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
B J Laubscher – Where Mystery dwells
A Mr. S. sent me an interesting story which was vouched for by several most respected burghers and happened between 1880 and 1890.
His father and several friends came by wagon from Sutherland to Ceres. They outspanned in the veld and prepared supper. While they were eating around the camp-fire miles from nowhere, a huge black dog appeared amongst them. One of the men was just going to stroke this lovely dog, when his father told this man not to do so as it was not a physical dog. The moment he said this the dog just disappeared from their midst. It just melted into nothing.
No one had any misfortune and no one associated this dog with some ill-omen. In view of the phenomena for which astral manifestation can be held responsible I would venture to speculate that this dog had been lost in the wilds from the wagon of some trekker.
That evening when the familiar scene was reflected on the astral plane, his past memories of his search for his master actuated him, and making use of the field of force provided by the personalities present he did what he had done so often before, and mixed freely with the group around the camp-fire near the wagon. The fact that he was seen by all present showed that the persons shared a fair faculty for astral vision.