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Observations placeholder

Ernesto Bozzano, Professor - The parapsychological manifestations of animals – 14 Dr Marie de Thyle, of Saint-Julien, Switzerland and her cat see a ghost



Type of Spiritual Experience

Inter composer communication

Number of hallucinations: 2


NOTE by Professor Ernesto Bozzano

In this case, since the recipient could not see the ghost's face, it cannot be identified as being the friend of the recipient, who died that day at the same time. However, the mere fact of this coincidence already constitutes a good presumption in line with the conclusions presented by Doctor de Thyle.

In any case, this does not cover the subject we are currently dealing with, i.e. the collective perception of supernormal manifestations being shared by people and animals.

A description of the experience

Professor Ernesto Bozzano - The parapsychological manifestations of animals - 130 cases proving animal mediumistic abilities

Case 27. - (collective auditory-visual, with sensation of a very cold wind.) - I extracted it from C. Flammarion's The Unknown. Mrs. Marie de Thyle, doctor of medicine, residing in Saint-Julien, Switzerland, writes:

One of my school friends, I am a doctor, had gone to India as a missionary doctor. We had lost touch as it sometimes happens, but we still loved each other.

One morning, in the night of 28 to 29 October, I was then in Lausanne, I was woken up before 6 am by small knocks on my door. My bedroom overlooked a corridor that led to the second floor stairs. I left my door ajar to allow a big white cat I had then, to go hunting at night because the house was swarming with mice.

The blows repeated themselves.

The night bell had not rung and I had not heard the stairs either.

By chance, my eyes fell on the cat that occupied its ordinary place at the foot of my bed. He was sitting, his hair spiky, shaky and growling. The door waved as if pushed by a light gust of wind and I saw a shape wrapped in a kind of white vaporous fabric, like a veil on black lingerie. I couldn't see the face clearly. It approached me. I felt an icy breath, I heard the cat growling furiously. Instinctively, I closed my eyes and when I opened them again, everything had disappeared. The cat was shaking with all its limbs, and I was bathed in sweat!

I must admit that I wasn't thinking about the friend in India, but about another person. About two weeks later, I learned of my friend's death on the night of 29-30 October 1890 in Shrinagar, Kashmir. I later learned that she had died of peritonitis.


The source of the experience

Bozzano, Professor Ernesto

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Being an animal

