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Observations placeholder

Ernesto Bozzano, Professor - The parapsychological manifestations of animals – 11 The angora cat and its doppelganger



Type of Spiritual Experience


NOTES on case by Professor Ernesto Bozzano

The second episode of the two incidents of animal telepathy contained in Ms. Camier's account is no different from the others we have reported, while the first one is of an exceptional and interesting nature.

Neglecting the whimsical [sic] explanation given by the recipient, however, we can say that this incident is a very characteristic example of telepathic transmission of thoughts between animals and humans. It makes us witness the phenomenon of a cat caught by his mistress in the act of escape, following the sudden interruption of the guilty party's intentions, the idea invading her mentality is transmitted telepathically to the mentality of the mistress who sees a hallucinatory cat jumping above the gate, in accordance with the thought-image existing in the mentality of the real pussy. The case is remarkable and instructive, especially since the agent animal was in the arms of the recipient.


A description of the experience

Professor Ernesto Bozzano - The parapsychological manifestations of animals - 130 cases proving animal mediumistic abilities

This case is taken it from the Revue Scientifique et Morale du Spiritsme (Scientific and Moral Review of Spiritism), 1920, p. 351. Mrs. Camier tells us about the fact that happened to her personally:

I had a very beautiful angora cat, with a long white hair spotted with grey, with green eyes surrounded by black. She was gentle and affectionate by nature and admired by everyone, but she had one flaw: every night she tried to escape to go for a walk. The courtyard of the house I lived in was divided in two by a gate, she escaped by jumping over it.

One evening I arrived in the courtyard just in time to grab her when she was about to jump on the gate. I had barely hugged her when I was surprised to see another Angora cat, identical in every detail to mine, jumping over the gate. At that time, I knew nothing about spiritualist doctrines. I looked across the gate to realize this strange fact, knowing that in the whole neighborhood there was not a cat like mine. But on the other hand I could not see anything.

Later, having been introduced to the new doctrines, I understood that my pussy was, at that moment, so invaded by the idea of fleeing, that her perispirit had been liberated with such a force that it could have been perceived to be material.

After a while, the poor animal fell ill: I saw myself in the need to bring her to the care of a veterinarian. The night she died, I felt - positively felt - my pussy clinging with her fingernails to the blanket and getting on the bed, as she usually did. The impression was so real that I instinctively reached out my hand to make sure I was not mistaken. The next morning I went to the vet where I was told that the cat had died during the night. Her last thought had been about me.



The source of the experience

Bozzano, Professor Ernesto

Concepts, symbols and science items




Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Being an animal

