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Observations placeholder

Ernesto Bozzano, Professor - The parapsychological manifestations of animals – 05 Dr. Emile Magnin’s dog Creole



Type of Spiritual Experience

Inter composer communication

Number of hallucinations: 1



NOTES Professor Ernesto Bozzano - The parapsychological manifestations of animals - 130 cases proving animal mediumistic abilities

Also for this episode, in which the true hallucination was of an auditory nature, it does not seem possible to doubt the real telepathic origin of the manifestation. With regard to the conditions under which the episode took place, it is worth noting that they show that the telepathic impulse was, again, of an indirect or symbolic nature. Referring to the considerations we have made on this subject, we will say here that, since the deceased bitch used to scratch at her master's door during her lifetime and moan until it was opened, it resulted that the telepathic impulse, which did not succeed in being realized in a direct way, was successful, in an indirect and symbolic way, by taking on the modalities of realization that were most familiar to the percipient, and in relation with the agent's thinking. I will note here that the circumstance of a fundamental law of telepathic manifestations, rigorously realized, even when it is an animal agent, offers great theoretical value, since it is difficult not to deduce from it that, if telepathic animal manifestations conform to the same laws as telepathic human manifestations, it results in the identity in nature of the spiritual elements in action under both circumstances.

A description of the experience

Professor Ernesto Bozzano - The parapsychological manifestations of animals - 130 cases proving animal mediumistic abilities

Dr. Emile Magnin communicates the following case to the Annals of Psychic Sciences, 1912, p. 347:

I have just read with great interest the report you are providing in the "Annales" on the dog Bobby. A few years ago, Mr. P. M., a very skilled lawyer, told me something similar... I will briefly describe this story, convinced that, by its analogy with the Bobby case, it will interest your readers.

Mr. P. M., a lawyer at the Court of Appeal, owned a spaniel dog named Creole. He kept her in Paris with him, and she slept in the porch, behind the door of his bedroom. Every morning, with her master's first movement, she would scratch at the door and moan until he opened it to her.

During a hunting season, Mr. P. M. left his Creole bitch in the care of a hunting guard in Rambouillet.

One Saturday morning, at an early hour, Mr. P. M. heard scratching and moaning at the door. Very surprised to hear his dog, he got up quickly, convinced that his hunting guard had come to Paris for an urgent meeting. His amazement was great when he found neither guard nor bitch. Two hours later a telegram from the guard informed him that his Creole dog had been accidentally killed by a hunter.

The source of the experience

Bozzano, Professor Ernesto

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps
