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Elwin, Verrier – The pig with the leaf and the witch of Bohi
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
The Tribal World – Verrier Elwin
It was in the very remote Bohi that I watched the strange and thrilling ceremonies designed to close the jaws of the man-eater and to frustrate the witch who had sent him. It was a desperately serious business ; seven of the most powerful magicians came to do battle with the forces of evil. The Tiger spirit came upon one of the spectators; he was transformed into a tiger and began to behave like one: there was an exciting tiger hunt : and in the end nails were driven into rocks and trees.
The next morning, I was standing in the forest when a large pig lumbered up to me with a leaf in its mouth which it dropped at my feet. I was rather moved by this-sort of Francis among the birds touch, I thought - and then forgot all about it. But no sooner had I returned home than I went down with a violent attack of fever.
The local magicians waited on me, and soon diagnosed the cause-the witch of Bohi, annoyed at my presence in the village, had put magic in a leaf and sent it to me via her pig. They immediately took the necessary measures, and I recovered.