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Observations placeholder

Dr Seuss - The value of Home schooling, Knowing your Destiny and Patience



Type of Spiritual Experience


Dr Seuss was born into a family of intellectuals and Theodore’s father had hope his sone would be a Professor.  But with the help of his future wife, a nod to destiny, a great deal of patience and dedication to what he enjoyed the most as oppose to any desire for ‘riches’, Geisel actually became a rich man.

A description of the experience




He entertained millions of children for decades. But what were Dr. Seuss' qualifications? James Hunt  21 . 10 . 15

As one of the most celebrated writer/illustrators of all time, Dr. Seuss arguably needs no introduction. He sold 600 million books which were translated into 20 languages worldwide, and his work continues to delight new generations of children, long after his contemporaries have fallen into obscurity.

But was Dr. Seuss a real doctor?

"Dr. Seuss" was actually a nom de plume for Theodor Seuss Geisel, which he began the process of adopting during his studies at Dartmouth College. Although Geisel began working under his own name, this changed when he and several friends were caught drinking in their student lodgings. The college's Dean insisted that, as part of his punishment, he cease contributing to the college's humour magazine, the Dartmouth Jack O'Lantern. To circumvent the ban, Geisel continued as normal but began to sign his work "Seuss".

Although Geisel went on to study at Lincoln College, Oxford with the intention of acquiring a Ph.D in English Literature, he never completed his studies. Encouraged by his future wife to pursue a career in illustration, Seuss dropped out and returned to the United States to begin pitching his political cartoons to publishers. Within a year, his success had prompted him to move to New York City and accept a full time job at Judge, a weekly satirical magazine. It was six months after he began working at Judge that he first began to sign his work "Dr. Seuss" - a move that, by some accounts, was a nod to his father's unrealised hopes that Geisel would become a Professor.

It was ten years after this, in 1937, when Dr. Seuss published his first original book, And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street. His work quickly became popular, and almost two decades and more than 10 books later, he was finally granted an honorary doctorate by Dartmouth College in 1956.

Within the next few years Seuss would write some of his most celebrated works, including The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham and How the Grinch Stole Christmas, so for the most part the Dr. Seuss you're most familiar with probably was indeed a Doctor - if only an honorary one

The source of the experience

Dr Seuss

Concepts, symbols and science items




Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Home schooling


