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Dr Minot Judson Savage - Can Telepathy Explain ? – 02 Voices!
Type of Spiritual Experience
Inter composer communication
A description of the experience
From Can Telepathy Explain ? – Dr Minot Judson Savage
VOICES have been heard which corresponded to the cry of some distant friend in cases of distress or at some great crisis of experience. Stories of this sort, as everybody knows, have been told by novelists. Charlotte Bronte gives us an instance of it in Jane Eyre. Her heroine hears the cry of Rochester, and it is made the turning-point in one part of the book.
If one does not know that such things can happen, he regards it merely as the invention of the writer; but I am familiar with facts in this direction, so that I know that such things do occur. A cry has been heard from the State of Indiana to Michigan, preceding a telegraphic message which called one friend to another in a time of peculiar distress. It was found afterwards that the definite words of the call which were uttered aloud in Indiana corresponded precisely to those which were heard some hundreds of miles away.