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Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - A Letter April 4th 1802
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Samuel Taylor Coleridge – The Complete Poems
From A Letter April 4th 1802
There does not live the man so stripped of good affections
As not to love to see a Maiden's quiet eyes
Upraised, and linking on sweet Dreams by dim connections
To Moon, or Evening Star, or glorious western skies -
While yet a boy, this thought would so pursue me
That often it became a kind of Vision to me
Be happy, and I need thee not in sight
Peace in thy heart and quiet in thy dwelling
Health in thy limbs and in thine eyes the Light
Of Love and Hope and honourable Feeling
And though thy Robin may have ceased to sing
Yet needs for my sake must thy love to hear
The bee-hive murmuring near
That ever busy and most quiet Thing
Which I have heard at midnight murmuring
I may not hope from outward Forms to win
The Passion and the Life whose fountains are within
These lifeless Shapes, around, below, Above,
O what can they impart