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Type of Spiritual Experience
From before the Spanish Conquest, cocoa and chocolate have been prescribed by doctors for a dizzying array of totally unrelated ailments and diseases, everything from dysentery (dissolve cocoa in water, as taken by the Aztecs) to “decayed health, weak lungs or scorbutic (relating to scurvy) tendencies” for which J.S. Fry & Son’s chocolate was recommended in the 1820s.
But chocolate has been scientically shown to give real benefits. “New research indicates chocolate, eaten in moderation as part of a healthy diet, can reduce blood clots and lessen the risk of heart disease and strokes.” (From an article in the New Zealand press, 25 Sept 1999)
For this discovery we have to thank volunteers in an Australian university study who selflessly ate 100g of chocolate bars every day for three weeks in the name of research.
The astonishing results showed that the white blood cells (which initiate blood clotting) were less active in the chocolate-eaters than in the volunteers who stayed on normal or alternative-snack diets.
Frank has penned me a poem, knowing how much I like chocolate, to celebrate
A description of the experience
Come hither come hither my darling
I’ll give you the time of your life
For I’ll smother your body with chocolate
And put it on thick with a knife
Then I’ll lick it all off in slow movements
Use my tongue to lick each little part
Till your head is quite full of my loving
And I’ve captured the love in your heart
And I’ll lick with a cry of “choc ices”
Till you're white as a gooey ice cream
Then we’ll rest sticky wet on the pillows
And you’ll see how much healthier we seem