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Observations placeholder

Brian Boru's harp



Type of Spiritual Experience


Brendan is the author of A Shamanic Kundalini Awakening

This book is a description of Brendan’s own personal visionary and mystical journey via kundalini awakening and shamanic initiation.

This deeply personal journey of Kundalini awakening is a reflection of all the glory and gory bits of the process. I love the raw sharing Brendan offers in this work. This initiatory process, familiar to Shamans and Yogis, takes everything from us that is not serving to elevate our souls, and is so often painful. I enjoyed this book immensely, and identified with so much of what Brendan has shared. I recommend this read either as encouragement to those drawn to walking the path of self-realization, or as disillusionment for those who imagine it to require anything less than the death of unconscious living, and rebirth into awakened reality.
Dawn Dancing Otter (Teacher of Shamanic Arts)

There is much to contemplate and learn in Brendan Ring's 'A Shamanic Kundalini Awakening.' If the way of the Shaman is calling you, then surely Brendan's profound reflections and the Wisdom Knowledge gained from his personal deep journey experiences will be of help to you and enhance your quest for Truth.
Susan Ferguson (Author of Inna Returns)

A description of the experience

Brian Boru's harp, (also known as "Trinity College harp") is a medieval musical instrument on display in the long room at Trinity College Dublin in Ireland. It's the national symbol of Ireland and you can see it along with the Book of Kells in Trinity College.

It is an early Irish harp or wire strung cláirseach,  dated to the 14th or 15th century and, along with the Queen Mary Harp and the Lamont Harp, is one of the three oldest surviving Gaelic harps. The harp was used as a model for the coat of arms of Ireland.

The symbolism of the harp is extremely significant.  In order that you can see this go to this youtube video, which shows you a Replica harp.

The replica has a native willow(SallyTree) frame and soundbox, with a backplate of yew. The harp used to be called The Tree of Strings and is strung completely in 18ct Gold.  This harp is an exact copy of the Brian Boru harp.

Brendan Ring author of A Shamanic Kundalini Awakening

For those with eyes to see, this harp contains wonderful symbolism, in particular the for-pillar. It represents the human spine ,the kundalini is symbolised by a double-headed serpent/salmon, one head ascending, the other descending. The ascending head is pointing towards two crystals, one for the third eye and the one above is a clear crystal for the crown chakra. Basically, the old shamanic/druidic knowledge of Ireland is encoded into the instrument


The carving also includes the wheel with four spokes, diamonds, plus a number of other symbols.  This LINK takes you to a video of Brendan playing the replica harp


The source of the experience

Ring, Brendan

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


