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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 58 ‘I saw an angel flying through the room’ and ‘I have heard an angel sing’



Type of Spiritual Experience


Number of hallucinations: 2


A description of the experience

Ernesto Bozzano - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death [110 cases suggesting survival after death]

Transcendental Music

21-st case. - Since we have touched on the conflicting findings regarding the same paranormal manifestations, it will be useful to report a striking example, although it is not consistent with those in this category, since the musical hearing is not related to events of death. The story is short and I extracted it from the Volume 10 of the Proceedings of the S.P.R (page 319). Lady C. writes:

In October 1879, I was domiciled in Bishopthorpe, near York, and I was sleeping near Miss Z. T. when, all of a sudden, I saw a ghost dressed in white who flew through the room, from the door and towards the window. It was a vaporous ghost, and it vanished instantly. I was terribly impressed and asked my friend:

"Have you seen the ghost?" At the same time my friend asked me in a no less frightened voice: "Did you hear that song?"

Then I replied: "I saw an angel flying through the room."

And she replied, "I have heard an angel sing." We were both very impressed by this event, but didn't tell anyone about it.

Miss Z. T. writes to the Society for P.R. confirming the above.


The source of the experience

Bozzano, Professor Ernesto

Concepts, symbols and science items


Celestial music


Science Items


Activities and commonsteps

