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Observations placeholder

Aubert, Georges – 02 Second Epoch – 01 Experimenting at home guided by Emile T



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

From that day on, that is, towards the beginning of 1891, the most beautiful series of demonstrations that can be described began for us and our entourage.

First of all, during the first séances we only had rotating movements of the table. We had agreed with Emile T..... that when he turned the furniture clockwise, it would mean yes, and that the opposite rotation would mean no.

To get a communication, my father would enunciate the letters of the alphabet, one by one and slowly. When the letter, which was part of the composition of the word, was mentioned, the table turned in the direction of yes. If by any chance this letter was overtaken, it was not indicated.

By this means and for a long time, we were able to converse with Emile T.....

Then, little by little, at our request, he brought in all the spirits of our disembodied relatives and friends, and it was then a great joy for us to talk with all of them, as if they had still been there, in flesh and blood.

I can say that with a few rare exceptions, our séances were always excellent, conducted, supervised as they were by our friend Emile T.... He tried to keep evil spirits away from us, crude or simply weak. In a word, he was our guide.

*  *

After a number of séances, the communication changed to knocking on the very body of the table. In this way we were able to converse much more quickly.

The table was hit once for yes, twice for no.

The source of the experience

Aubert, Georges

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


