Observations placeholder
Ashtavakra Gita - 12 Abiding in the Self
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
12: Abiding in the Self
Janaka said:
12.1 Becoming first intolerant of action, then of excessive speech, then of thought itself, I come to be here.
12.2 Neither sounds nor other sense perceptions attract my attention. Even the Self is unperceived. The mind is free, undistracted, one-pointed. And here I am.
12.3 Effort is required to concentrate a distracted mind superimposed with illusion. Knowing this, I remain here.
12.4 Nothing to reject, nothing to accept. No joy, no sorrow. Lord God I am here.
12.5 The four stages of life, life without stages, meditation, renunciation, objects of mind— nothing but distractions. I am forever here.
12.6 Doing and not-doing both arise from ignorance. I know this. And I am here.
12.7 Thinking of the unthinkable One unavoidably conjures thought. I choose no-thought and remain here.
12.8 Blessed is he who attains this by effort. Blessed is he who is such by nature.
The source of the experience
Ashtavakra GitaConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Reducing desiresReducing opportunities
Reducing threats
Squash the big I am
Suppressing memory
Suppressing obligations