Observations placeholder
Angela Morgan - Work
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Angela Morgan – from Work

Thank God for the might of it
The ardour, the urge the delight of it
Work that springs from the heart's desire,
Setting the brain and the soul on fire -
Oh, what is so good as the heat of it
And what is so glad as the beat of it
And what is so kind as the stern command
Challenging brain and the heart and hand?
Thank God for the pride of it
For the beautiful, conquering tide of it,
Sweeping the life in its furious flood
Thrilling the arteries, cleansing the blood
Mastering stupor and dull despair
Moving the dreamer to do and dare
Oh, what is so good as the urge of it
And what is so glad as the surge of it
And what is so strong as the summons deep,
Rousing the torpid soul from sleep?
Thank God for the pace of it
For the terrible, keen, swift race of it
Fiery steeds in full control
Nostrils a quiver to greet the goal
Work, the Power that drives behind
Guiding the purposes, taming the mind
Holding the runaway wishes back
Reining the will to one steady track
Speeding the energies faster, faster
Triumphing over disaster
Oh, what is so good as the pain of it
And what is so good as the gain of it?
And what is so kind as the cruel goad
Forcing us on through the rugged road?
Thank God for the swing of it
For the clamouring, hammering ring of it
Passion and labour daily hurled
On the mighty anvils of the world
Oh, what is so fierce as the flame of it?
And what is so huge as the aim if it?
Thundering on through dearth and doubt
Calling the Plan of the Maker out