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Observations placeholder

Paramahansa Yogananda - Why God permits evil - The Great Work



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Paramahansa Yogananda – Why God permits evil [and how to rise above it]

Some say that God doesn’t know evil, because they can’t explain why a God who is good allows robberies, murders, disease, poverty, and other terrible happenings that are constantly on this earth. 

These misfortunes are certainly evil to us; but are they evil to God?  If they are, why would God permit such evil?  And if the evil did not come from Him who is the Supreme Creator of all things, where did it come from?  Who created greed?  Who created hate?  Who created jealousy and anger?  Who created harmful bacteria?  Who created sex temptation and the temptation of greed?  These were not the invention of human beings. 

Man could never have experienced them if they had not first been created.  Some people try to explain that evil does not exist or that it is merely a psychological factor.  But this is not so.  The evidence of evil is here in the world.  You cannot deny it.  If there is no evil, why would Jesus pray ‘lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil?  He is plainly saying that evil does exist. 


No cruelty exists in God’s plan, because in His eyes there is no good or evil …..The Lord intended us to view the dualistic scenes of life as He does Himself – the ever joyous witness of a stupendous cosmic drama.

Man has falsely identified himself with his ego.  When  he transfers his sense of identity to his true being, the immortal soul, he discovers that all pain is unreal. He no longer can even imagine the state of suffering

The source of the experience

Paramahansa Yogananda

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


