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Observations placeholder

Romano, Jacques - Two patents for the same invention



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

The Jacques Romano Story – Dr Berthold Eric Schwartz

Telepathy is based on a hunch or feeling. It is a bond between two people. Like a game, telepathy must be friendly and you must like to do it. I must be literally and figuratively warm and I become enthusiastic. If, while I am doing this telepathic work, there is any criticism or combativeness, I lose my passivity and no longer care. I am very sensitive to anyone's 'wrong' opinion. As long as it [the telepathic 'mind reading'] does not mean anything and there is no resistance [combativeness, anxiety], it just comes to me. I ask myself and wonder what it means. I just attune myself to one condition. It is like a musical ear. Aggressiveness or an attempt to use this ability commercially only seems to undermine the necessary passivity for the development of the state and the production of phenomena. If I force myself with this talent, I am no good at all. If I am wrong, I bite my lip, stop, and then start all over again. In doing this, I never condemn the other person. It is I who is wrong. I have to be able to control it.

Presentiments and hunches are beams between two people who like each other and think of each other. I can sometimes feel the bombardment from another person who is interested in the same work as I am. As an example, I remember the Patent Office asking me about two inventors, one in New York and the other in San Francisco.

They had identical inventions and had come into the Patent Office within one hour of each other. It was not a new phenomenon to me. They must have both received the same vibrations.

"Not infrequently I have had presentiment of when someone I knew, or had just met, would die”.

The source of the experience

Romano, Jacques

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


