Some science behind the scenes
Theosophy is a doctrine of religious philosophy and metaphysics originating with Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (Elena Blavatskaya 1831-1891). Together with Henry Steel Olcott, William Quan Judge, and others, Blavatskaya founded the Theosophical Society in 1875
Theosophists believed that all religions are attempts by the "Intelligence Hierarchy" to help humanity in evolving to greater perfection. They believed that what is known as human is actually a Spiritual Nature classically called the Monad (Higher Spirit). This Monad has prompted wakefulness (self analyzing reflection) called the human state through myriad lives passing through the mineral, plant and animal stages during the evolution of life on earth. [They therefore believed in reincarnation]
Theosophy differed from the common Eastern religious belief that regression is possible. Human beings, they believed, cannot reincarnate as animals or plants having attained awareness of Self, or really awareness of themselves as distinct from the lower kingdoms for whom such awareness does not exist, for form follows functional mind. Conversely, people are considered only the epitome of spiritual/physical life on Earth and not the end stage of evolution, which continues for further stages.
This natural progression includes those types of beings that were ‘ordinary’ men and women, but have since become less egocentric. “In reaching such levels of selfless spiritual development, a man or woman naturally partakes in a Hierarchy of Being, where concern is the welfare and highest good of all beings. As such, all people are, as such, beings in various stages of attainment, through the changing of their focus of life from the outer ego to the welfare of all others”.
Theosophy taught that all life exists in an essential "Radical Unity" and in which all individual beings, regardless of the kingdom in which they exist (human, animal, vegetable or mineral), are involved in an inextricably interconnected single life. The advancement of any one aspect of this synergistically bound Unity affects all for the good. Of course, therefore, the opposite must be true.