Observations placeholder
Yeats, W B - Anima Mundi - Hate
Type of Spiritual Experience
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see the kingdom of God
A description of the experience
W B Yeats – Anima Mundi
Latterly I seem to understand that I enter upon it the moment I cease to hate. I think the common condition of life is hatred – I know that this is so with me – irritation with public or private events or persons …. How forgive the ill breeding of Carlyle or the rhetoric of Swinburne, or that woman who murmurs over the dinner table the opinion of her daily paper?
And only a week ago last Sunday, I hated the spaniel who disturbed a partridge on her nest, a trout who took my bait and yet broke away unhooked … in those brief intense visions of sleep, I have something about me that though it makes me love, is more like innocence.