Observations placeholder
Tirrukural, the - Book 1 Yearning
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Tirrukural, the - Book 1 Yearning
361. Desire, they say, is the seed of ceaseless birth
For all things living at all times.
362. "No birth again" should be our only wish-
And the way to that is never to wish at all.
363. No greater fortune here than not to yearn,
And none to excel it hereafter too!
364. Purity is freedom from yearning
And comes of seeking Truth.
365. Those are free who are free of yearning;
Others, of all else free, unfree.
366. Desire is the great betrayer, and its dread
The best virtue.
367. To him who uproots desire salvation comes
In the most desirable form.
368. Where yearning is not, sorrow is not;
Where it is, endless dole.
369. Where yearning ceases, the sorrow of sorrows,
Joy unceasing shall flow.
370. Eternal joy is ensured
When yearning ever hungry is expelled.