Observations placeholder
Thomas Keightley - World Guide to Fairies - The spirit beings in hills
Type of Spiritual Experience
Within the Shetlands, there are three kinds of spiritual being – land, hill and sea folk. Hill folk are good 'guid' folk and are believed to inhabit the interior of green hills.
In Ireland myth and legend states that the same spirits live in hills and mounds called 'Raths'. Called variously fairies, the 'good people', the 'gentry' and also the 'shia' which means literally spirit, they live in societies in these hills. Of diminutive size [the fairies that is] , they are very fond of music.
A description of the experience
Thomas Keightley – World Guide to Fairies etc
Persons who have been brought into their habitations have been dazzled with the splendour of what they saw there. All the interior walls are adorned with gold and silver and the domestic utensils resemble the strange things that are found sometimes lying on the hills. These persons have always entered the hill on one side and gone out at the other..........
The fairies of Scotland are handsome, wear green clothes and dance and sing. They are known as the 'Men of Peace'. They live in 'Tomhans' – turrets resembling rocks or hillsides, undistinguishable by day, but lit up with great splendour at night