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Keightley, Thomas - The Girl at the Troll Dance
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
from The World Guide to Gnomes, Fairies, Elves and Other Little People compiled by Thomas Keightley
The Girl at the Troll Dance
A girl belonging to a village in the island of Funen, went out one evening into the fields, and as she was passing by a small hill she saw that it was raised upon red pillars and a Troll banquet going on beneath it. She was invited in and such was the gaiety and festivity that prevailed, that she never perceived the flight of time. At length, however, she took her departure after having spent, as she thought, a few hours among the joyous hill people. But when she came to the village, she no longer found it the place she had left. All was changed; and when she entered the house in which she had lived with her family, she learned that her father and mother had long been dead and the house had come into the hands of strangers. She now perceived that for every hour she had spent amongst the Trolls a year had elapsed in the external world. The effect on he mind was such that she lost her reason, which she never after recovered