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Sterry, Peter - Rebirth and Higher spirit described
Type of Spiritual Experience
He is not talking about adversity here, he is describing the horrors of a real rebirth experience - like being crucified
A description of the experience
Peter Sterry - THE Rise, Race, and Royalty OF THE Kingdom of God IN THE Soul of MAN
He that knows no Spirit, but that which breaths thorow Flesh, and feeds on the Air. He that understands the highest Spirit, but as a Fleshly Fancy exalted; is yet Flesh, condemn'd like Nebucchadnezzar to graze on the fading Field of Flesh, till he know, this Flesh to be that Darkness, which covers all Truth; and the most high Spirit, to be the only Light, which discovers all things, and itself.
3. Discovery, Have I seen a Night upon this World? One Day passeth not away for another to succeed, except a Night come between.
My soul is not yet born again out of the Light of this World into the Day of Christ, if she hath not gone thorow a Night, a Night of Eternal Darkness upon all Earthly Contents. Thou canst not look down upon Fleshly Things with a Delight, from the Throne of Christ; except thou hast lookt upon them, as a Prospect of Horrour; from the Cross of Christ.
4. Discovery. Have I tasted the Sweetness of a Life within, in my own Spirit? Hast thou not made a Retreat into thine own Depths? Hast thou not seen the Beauties, that shine in this Glass? Then art thou far from the Depths of the Divine Spirit, and the Glories that disclose themselves in that Glass.
Solomon tells us, Prov. 20. 27. That the Spirit of Man is the Candle of the Lord in his Bowels: if the Spirit of Man within be but a Candle; what then is this Sensual State without? Neither Life, nor Death; nor Light, nor Darkness: but Shadows of Life, and Death between both. But who can think he hath receiv'd the Beams of the Sun, when yet he hath not seen a Candles Light?