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Observations placeholder

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - A letter, published in the London Sunday Express (1930) – A summary of the imminent apocalypse



Type of Spiritual Experience


One wonders whether there might have been symbolism in this waves storm etc

A description of the experience

Patterns of Prophecy – Alan Vaughan

….. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had been receiving communications from his own alleged control, "Pheneas," and from American and English mediums about a "cataclysmic catastrophe," since 1923. Shortly before his death in I930, he wrote a letter, published in the London Sunday Express (July 20, 1930), summarizing the messages:

If we state the course of events as outlined in these various documents and check them with our own information the result is overwhelming.

It would entail a period of terrific natural convulsions during which a large portion of the human race would perish.

Earthquakes of great severity, enormous tidal waves would seem to be the agents.

There is mention of war, but that would appear to be only in the early stages and to be in some way the signal for the crisis. The following general details may be gathered:-

  • That the crisis will come in an instant;
  • That the general destruction and utter dislocation of civilised life will be beyond belief;
  • That there will be a short period of utter chaos followed by some reconstruction;
  • That the total period of  the upheavals will be roughly three years;
  • That the chief centres of disturbances will be the Eastern Mediterranean basin, where not less than five countries will entirely disappear.

Also the Atlantic, where there will be a rise of land which will be a cause of those waves which will bring about great disasters upon the Americans, the Irish, and the Western European shore, involving all the low-lying British coasts. There are indicated further great upheavals in the Southern Pacific and in the Japanese region.

The source of the experience

Sir Arthur and Lady Jean Conan Doyle

Concepts, symbols and science items





Science Items

Mass Extinction

Activities and commonsteps


