Observations placeholder
She died peacefully with a smile on her lips
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Love is the Link – Dr Pamela Kircher
One of the most dramatic examples of this 'homesickness' that I have experienced was an encounter with one of our hospice patients. She was a woman in her thirties, dying of cancer, who had devoted her life after her NDE, to helping other people. One evening in our in-patient unit, she asked me to sit with her a while.
She shared that she felt she would be dying very soon and wanted to discuss some things with me.
We first talked about her finishing up the business details of her life. She was very lucid and it was clear that all of those business details were completed. We then talked about her regrets about leaving her young husband as a widower. Having discussed the important things of this world, she then said that she understood her time on Earth was in God's hands and that she was really looking forward to going home again. As the sun sank and the sky darkened outside her room, she spoke of the love and contentment that she had felt during her NDE. Her face glowed as she remembered that time and acknowledged that she would be there again soon. I shared my experience with her and the feeling that that was the most perfect time I have had since I was born here. It was an evening of shared nostalgia.
The next morning, she slipped into a coma from which she did not awaken. She died peacefully two days later with a smile on her lips. I have always been grateful that I took the time that evening to stay with her a while, although I had no idea at the time that it was her last lucid day.