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Rilke, Rainer Maria - 14 Third Elegy
Type of Spiritual Experience
Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov - The Birds of Joy and Sorrow
A description of the experience
Duino Elegies – Rainer Maria Rilke [The Third Elegy]
And he himself, as he lay there, relieved,
dissolving a sweetness, of your gentle creation,
under his sleepy eyelids, into the sleep he had tasted - :
seemed protected.....But inside: who could hinder,
prevent, the primal flood inside him?
Ah, there was little caution in the sleeper:
sleeping, but dreaming, but fevered: what began there!
How, new, fearful, he was tangled in ever-spreading tendrils of inner event:
already twisted in patterns, in strangling growths, among prowling bestial forms.
How he gave himself to it -.
Loved his inward world, his inner wilderness, that first world within, on whose mute overthrow his heart stood, newly green.
Relinquished it, went on, through his own roots, to the vast fountain where his little birth was already outlived.
Lovingly went down into more ancient bloodstreams, into ravines where Horror lay, still gorged on his forefathers.
And every Terror knew him, winked, like an informant.
Yes, Dread smiled.........
Seldom have you smiled so tenderly, mothers.
How could he help loving what smiled at him.
Before you he loved it, since, while you carried him, it was dissolved in the waters, that render the embryo light.